Monday, January 26, 2009

Heart is Where Your Home Is

Inspired by a friend in Jail, enlightening me to the Freedom Within...thank you J

There is a peace in our hearts
That sits between and amongst
all that which aims
to edge it out.

It is all knowing, all loving, all showing, ever growing
Humbly centered and glowing -warmly
Sometimes like embers -dimly
at times like a star with brilliant shimmer - it shines

It is a place that you know
to call mine
Where you may go
to stop time
Sit silently aligned
with all that is Pure
and true

Where you come to relax, remember and unfold
into essential and glorious - YOU

Welcome to your heart-centered home

Karen Cohen 2009

Would I be More...

Would I be a better person if I were doing this in California or Central Park right now?

Would I Be more loving, more beautiful of a soul, if I were in San Diego, Palo Alto, or NYC?

Would I be more loved by God,
Would I be more worthy,
More purposeful,

Would I matter more if I lived in California, NYC or somewhere else
Would I be more if I were a PhD, spoke several more languages and had several additional certifications
If I were trekking rain forests, walking amongst sand dunes, visiting the villages of foreign lands
Would I be more deserving of compassion, blessings, and grace
more deserving of freedom, peace and joy
if I ate less 'bad' foods, did more 'good' deeds and wrote a book
if I could paint a better picture, and develop my photography
would I be more


I would not even be more unique, more of an individual, in any of those places, doing any of these things
It does not work that way
You could not BE more
You could not be more
loved by God
more worthy of being
in any one place over another

You could not be MORE spectacular of a soul
magnificent of a manifestation
by doing one thing over another

At the level of love - there is no MORE
At the level of soul - there is only WHOLE
The details are ours to toil and torment with
The attempt to define as anything other than DIVINE
is our mistake to make

You could not be more
It is

Karen Cohen 2009